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Spousal Support After A Divorce In Louisiana Or Texas

Spousal Support After A Divorce In Louisiana Or TexasSpousal support or alimony can be a major concern for divorcing couples. If you’re wondering whether you will owe or be owed spousal support, this article will help you understand:

Whether you are required to pay spousal support in Texas or Louisiana

  • How long you might have to pay spousal support, and what factors this time is based on.
  • The difference between temporary and permanent support for Louisiana residents.

Will I Pay Spousal Support In Louisiana Or Texas?

Spousal support can be sought in Louisiana and Texas. However, it is not guaranteed.

How Much Will I Get For Alimony Or Spousal Support In Louisiana Or Texas?

The amount you will pay for spousal support depends on the situation. Neither state favors spousal support, but it is generally based on necessity and the ability of the other party to pay.

How Long Does Alimony Or Spousal Support Last In Louisiana?

The amount of time you will be required to pay spousal support also depends on the circumstances. If it is court-ordered and temporary, it can continue for several months or years. If it is by contract, based on a mutual agreement between the parties, then it will continue for the amount of time the parties have agreed upon.

In Louisiana, there is temporary support and permanent support. Temporary support generally ends six months after divorce. Permanent support lasts until the party receiving support is remarried or cohabitates, or there is some other change in circumstances.

For more information on Spousal Support In A Louisiana Or Texas Divorce, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (318) 798-5559 or (903) 246-9898 today.

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