Call For A Free Consultation - Louisiana: (318) 798-5559 | Texas: (903) 246-9898

Serious Injury

Northern Louisiana and Upper East Texas Traumatic Brain Injuries, Back Injuries And Burn Injuries Attorneys – Free Consultation By Phone And Lower Fees

At The Law Offices of Williams & Williams PLC, our attorneys understand that serious injuries change your life forever. Both our personal injury attorneys have had 30 years of experience handling cases involving those seriously injured because of the negligence of another person. If you have been seriously injured, the full extent of your injuries and losses must be evaluated. The evaluation of many of these losses must be performed by experts such as economists, functional capacity physicians and vocational rehabilitation therapists. You should never settle your claim for serious injuries without first consulting an attorney experienced in representing clients with serious injuries. Our experienced attorneys, Sandra M. Williams and David S. Williams, are available to discuss your claim with you. There is no fee for a consultation. If you choose our firm, our experienced attorneys Sandra and David S. Williams will handle every aspect of your serious injury case. Your case will never be passed off to a less experienced lawyer or a paralegal. You will always discuss your case with Sandra M. Williams or David S. Williams, never a paralegal or secretary. There are no attorney fees or costs unless we recover compensation for you. Our attorneys represent clients with serious injuries such as:
  • Traumatic brain injuries and other head injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Back, shoulder, knee and neck injuries
  • Burns or electrocution
  • Broken bones
To schedule a free consultation with our experienced traumatic brain, back and burn injury attorneys, call our Northern Louisiana and Upper East Texas office at Louisiana: (318) 798-5559 | Texas: (903) 246-9898 or send us an email. You will always speak or meet with an attorney concerning your case.

The Law Offices of Williams & Williams PLC Has The Experience, Knowledge
And Expertise To Protect Your Rights.

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