Call For A Free Consultation - Louisiana: (318) 798-5559 | Texas: (903) 246-9898

Family Law

Northern Louisiana and Upper East Texas Family Law Attorneys – Free Consultation By Phone And Lower Fees

For many people, experiencing an issue in family law is one of the most difficult challenges that they will ever have to face. The decision to file for divorce or go through a child custody battle is emotionally draining. Understanding your options at this time is a crucial step toward protecting your family. At The Law Offices of Williams & Williams PLC, we are committed to helping you during these troubling times. You will work directly with our family law attorney, David S. Williams, who has been working with Louisiana families just like yours for 30 years. He knows that this is an important time in your life, and he works tirelessly to ensure that you are prepared for your future.

Northern Louisiana and Upper East Texas Divorce, Child custody and Family Law Attorneys. Services That We Offer:

We help you and your family adapt to the changes that you are about to experience, so that you are able to achieve a resolution that matches your goals. Our firm represents clients with a number of different family law concerns, including:

  • Assisting clients with issues related to divorce, including the division of marital property
  • Resolving child custody and child support disputes or reaching agreements on visitation schedules
  • Grandparent and nonparent custody disputes
  • Modifying existing child custody, visitation or child support agreements
  • Are you the father? Resolving child paternity disputes
  • Guardianship/Curatorship/Interdiction/Tutorship
  • Wills and Successions

Because we know that each family has specific needs, we take the time to carefully review each case we handle to determine what is best for you. We guide you throughout the process, including trial, if necessary. We do not hand your case off to a lesser experienced attorney or staff members. You will always speak or meet with an attorney concerning your case.

Individualized Attention For Your Case

To schedule a free consultation with our skilled lawyer, call Louisiana: (318) 798-5559 | Texas: (903) 246-9898 or send us an email. We help our Northern Louisiana and Upper East Texas clients learn more about the steps they need to take to protect their families. We offer affordable flat fees and payment plans.

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The Law Offices of Williams & Williams PLC Has The Experience, Knowledge
And Expertise To Protect Your Rights.

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