Call For A Free Consultation - Louisiana: (318) 798-5559 | Texas: (903) 246-9898

Drug Cases

Northern Louisiana and Upper East Texas Drug Possession And Distribution Criminal Defense Attorneys. Free Phone consultations and Lower Fees

Law enforcement agencies across Louisiana devote a substantial amount of resources toward the investigation of drug crimes. When they suspect that a person is involved in some type of illegal drug activity, they do not hesitate to make an arrest. If you are the target of a police investigation, or have a loved one who has been arrested, you need to take action. The Law Offices of Williams & Williams PLC located in Northern Louisiana and Upper East Texas, is committed to providing you with the skilled representation that you need if you have been charged with a crime. Attorney David S. Williams handles criminal defense cases at our firm, and he has 30 years of experience assisting clients facing drug charges. You will always speak or meet with an attorney concerning your case.

Know Your Rights. Understand Your Options. Protect Your Future.

We understand the serious consequences that accompany a criminal conviction. At our firm, we defend clients against a number of different drug crimes, including:

  • Charges related to the possession of drugs such as meth, cocaine and marijuana
  • Allegations concerning the manufacture or distribution of illegal substances
  • Crimes connected to prescription drugs

Once we review the charges that you are facing, we determine if there are any sentencing alternatives available to you. Our main objective is to get you the help you need, so that you do not find yourself in a similar situation in the future.

Charged With A Drug Crime? Take Action.

You should not make a decision about your case until you have talked to an experienced drug charges lawyer. Call Louisiana: (318) 798-5559 | Texas: (903) 246-9898 or send us an email to schedule a free consultation. At our law firm, you will always meet or confer with an attorney concerning your case. We offer affordable flat fees and payment plans.

The Law Offices of Williams & Williams PLC Has The Experience, Knowledge
And Expertise To Protect Your Rights.

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